Friday 11 February 2011

Unit 1.4 Learning Log

Date: 04/2/11

Monitoring of progress log


- Before creating my leaflet I did some research to help with my planning. This helped me gain plenty of useful information. I looked at other leaflets, which are how I got my ideas from, and this is the reason why I think my work is pleasantly suited for the brief.

- I like how my leaflet has different colour schemes and images. This would bring interest towards the audience. Compared to my sketch and my finished outcome on Photoshop, I would usually like my planning sketch better however I preferred the outcome.

- My composition for my flyer is it looks attractive, imaginative and creative because of the way I neatly collaged my design. I think I set the brief because not only that it suits the target audience but it attracts others


- First weakness is that I did not make a big improvement on my Photoshop skills like I wanted to. I plan to improve Photoshop skills for my future needs and achievements.

- I should of searched up different styles of typography so I can have different ideas to my leaflet, making it more creative.

- I work too slow which can effect how much work I need to do based on the time I have available to do it.

Things to improve and why:

- Need to work faster and put my work on the blog so it is ready for assessment.

- Check my work and make any changes if needed to gain more marks and

- I need to catch up on other pieces of work so when I plan to post my work on Blogger I can do it quickly with ease if not then that would mean I have to post it at home which would mean less time for me to work on other school subjects.

Unit 1.4 Learning Log

Date: 26/11/10

Monitoring Of Progress Log


- I’ve written a good film review.

- I’ve learnt and found out more of the tourist attractions around London.

- I’ve been up to date with my work by adding on information on my work, which needs to be corrected.


- It was unfortunate that I wasn’t able to spend more time on my work at school and at home.

- I was quite distracted.

- I should look back at my work more often.

Things to improve and why:

- Add more information to make it more formal and professional.

- Look back at my work to improve any mistakes and make some corrections.

- I should spend more time at home to do some diploma work.