Sunday 16 January 2011

Unit 1.2: Primary Research of Roles in Creative and Media Jobs

Case study

Paul Mardles – Journalist
Marcel Pusey - Bassistry + producer
Akala - Rap Artist + Newman Sony Hip Hop Shakespeare
Kevin Leo - Songwriter
Victoria Warwick – Radio advertising
Marcina Arnold – Voice coach

Akala is a rapper and is now going on tour. He mentioned a lot like who/what you need/meet on the way, song artists and his life. He gave out plenty of information on how to become an artist but not much information about himself but surprisingly he is the brother of Miss Dynamite who is a famous artist.

Marcina Arnold is a Voice coach and she teached us how to use our voice better by teaching us different voice techniques for example how to high pitch and low pitch your voice. Firstly she teached us a technique called the tonic sol-fa this consisted of saying doh, re, mi, fa, sol, lah, ti, doh. This technique is mostly used in Spain, Portugal, Romania and many more.

Kevin Leo is a Songwriter and he previously worked for JLS. He said songs have deep meaning and once you put your mind to it then you will start getting the hang of writing song lyrics. Afterwards he set some activities for the class practising using our voice and writing lyrics.

Victoria Warwick whom is a Radio advertiser. She told the class that when she was in college she had a part time job in a Radio advertisement company. She firstly started making tea and made her way up into the company and that’s how she got her job.

Marcel Pacey created software called the O-generator and he has a band called the Bassistry. The most things he talked about were money, profit and budgets. Afterwards he finished talking, he set us a group activity. The task was to write about what you need to create a band/artist and we had a 10 grand budget.

Paul Mardles whom is a journalist talked about what life is like in a company and what journalists do.

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