Tuesday 24 May 2011

stages and development of Final Outcome of my Guides

Front cover of guide final:

Stage 1:

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

Middle page guide final:

Stage 1:

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

Back page guide final:

Stage 1:

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

Friday 20 May 2011

Unit 1.4 Evaluation

In conclusion I am satisfied with my overall guide which I think attracts my target audience. I am pleased at my outcome and It looks visually pleasing. I had positive feedback from my class such as:
'It looks attractive, I would definatly take that guide'
'I love the ducks, it looks adorable and the inside of your middle page has the back of the duck which is really creative how did you do that?'
'I love the inside of your page especially the Experience The HQ&HD Cinema Entertainment. It looks really appealing'
'I like your back cover and how you created a small collage at the bottom so it doesn't look boring.'
'Your colours on your front, middle and back contrast. I think it's creative how you interacted with the audience by using: theres more. Your fonts are simple, clear and the colours on each page contrast with one another'

The positive feedback has shown that I have succeeded the brief, visually and communicationally. I am happy that the feedbacks are positive and there were no negative comments.
I have really enjoyed this project even though there were difficulties on posting my work onto blogger and the fact that I had other subjects to do. I have learn't new skills on Photoshop and more about how important the deadline is as I have found it quite difficult to keep up with it.

Unit 1.4 Drafts of a guide to the creative and media scene in the Southbank

The draft of my front cover, I have drawn is simple and appealing because of the colours I have chosen also I have added dates and events just like the graphics I have researched. I wanted to create a guide that was professional yet still have an impact on my target audience which is tourists. I have added a simple image as I was inspired by one of the Guides.

The draft of my middle page is attractive and eye-catching as it does not look too complicated and busy which might bore the reader if there is plenty of information. My draft is quite similar to the third southbank guide however the text does not collage infront of the image but the background is black which is what I planned before. Also I kept the misleading background colour just like the second draft did.

The draft for the back of my guide looks interesting as there will be useful information that might be needed for my target audience. I will included a Map just like the BFI guide so my target audience knows their way if they are interested in visiting the BFI IMAX. I decided to go with a different approad and set the background colour differently to see how it would look like however I think I would stick with my recent idea.

In conclusion I think my drafts are well drawn out and coloured to show a clear idea of my ideas that will soon be created and edited onto Photoshop ready to be presented. My drawings are simple and procise so it shows the basic things I would need to add when I create my real Guide. I like my drawings overall because of the colour scheme I have chose however once I start creating my official Guide, I might not like the colour or image so this would be something I would have to consider and develop when I start creating it.

Friday 11 March 2011

Unit 1.4 Awareness of the target audience‏.

My guide is aimed at everyone especially tourists and I think I have succeeded in producing a guide that is suitable for tourist as there are no social issues associated in my guide. The colours I have used are simple and not too colourful which would look like it is aimed at children. The Images are taken by myself and I have not edited the photo's so the reader is not misleaded. The image is not too childish nor too professional which would attract tourists as the colours used are natural and artificial. The font and colour is simple and clear to be read so the target audience will know what the Guide is about. I think my guide would attract tourists because it looks professionally made and they wont be misleaded by the images. The information I added is useful such as the website which tourists can look up themselves if they want to know more. The back of the guide will show useful information if the target audience is out and about, it also has a map so if tourists wanted to visit the Southbank they can easily look behind the Guide. Overall I think my guide is suitable towards my target audience as it is appealing and attractive which does not mislead the reader as the guide has images that represent London.

Unit 1.4 Final outcome: Guide to the creative and media scene in the Southbank

My front cover of creative and media guide for the south bank:

My guide was based on appearance and by doing that i have created a collage. The reason why i added on The Big Ben is because it is the most popular tourist attraction in London, I also wanted the target audience to know that The Southbank is in London. There is no specific colour scheme as I want the front to look more realistic so it shows my purpose. The image of the duck abd the buildings were photo's taken by myself and the London underground logo was also created by myself using Photoshop.

Because I was trying to make it look realistic I added in people from a different Photo that I took while visiting the Southbank. Overall I think my front cover looks appealing and I am satisfied with the final outcome of my guide because It is not targeted to one audience but it is aimed at everyone.

My middle page of the south bank guide:

When i was creating my middle page I was inspired by other guides that I had to take as part of my primary research. The main purpose of my colour choices is to make my guide look appealing and attractive. The black background and the IMAX building was to give a night time feel because people would prefer to go to the cinema at night as it would have a better cinema experience. The ducks were to contrast with the front cover and take up space on the middle page so it looks busy and not too plain. I didn't add in plenty of information as it could bore the person which would cause them to lose interest this is why I added on the website so people can find out more if they're interested. I wanted the title and sub-heading to stand out and contrast with the black background. The reason why I made the background black instead of blue is to make the inside look interesting which would appeal to a variety of audience.

My back cover for the Southbank guide:

The back cover is blue to contrast with the front cover of the guide. I have used opposite colours such as the black and white so it contrasts together and make it stand out on the blue background also it balances out. I created a small collage so it is more creative and attractive. I not only added a popular tourist attraction at the back but I have also added one at the back which is the 'OXO Tower'. I also added on other attractions in the southbank and the map is to help my target audience (tourists) to find their way to the southbank if they are interested in visiting it. The information I added is to help my target audience if they are out and about. I have added sub headings to divide the information so the text is clearer for the reader. I was inspired to do the white outline on the 'OXO Tower' and the 'Nelson Mandela sculpture' by another southbank guide, this makes it look more like a collage including the cropped out lettering.

Overall I feel that I have created a appealing and attractive final Guide. I think my Guide looks professional and creative which is my main focus. I have included different graphical techniques so it looks busy and eye-catching. I feel that I have met the brief especially towards the target audience. If I was to do this project again I would have changed the front cover so it contrasts more together. As you can see from my drafts and outcome, there are a lot of differences and changes; there has been a change of colours, images and fonts.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Unit 1.4 Researching for creating a guide to the media scene in the Southbank

BFI Guide:

The BFI guide is Simple and procise. It is specific and understandable, as the text and image is clear. The front and back of the guide has a simple picture of an owl which is the main attraction in cinemas and the typography is easy to read and it is straight to the point so it does not mislead the reader. The back page of the guide show a map and information about the time, date, and other useful information. I like how the background is black to give a night time feel and it also contrasts/blends in with the front of the guide. The middle pages is very bold and appealing especially the owl image. Both middle pages connect with each other making it look like a poster. The text is simple and the sub headings divides the information to make it clearer to read also the pictures that are included show information about the film/picture.

Southbank Centre guide 1:

This is a Southbank guide which I collected when I visited the Southbank myself. I took this guide because the image attracted my eye and the orange is very bold and striking. The colours used contrasts which is also why it is appealing towards people such as tourists. The front of the guide has a simple yet creative image as it looks like it has been spray painted onto the cover. The typography again is very clear and understandable as the colours stand out. The back of the cover shows over 'events' and 'how to book' showing useful information and both parts of the guide contrast because the colour is the same on both sides. However the middle page is white which misleads the reader into thinking it would be orange. The sub-headings are clear and creative just like the front. The colour scheme is white, blue, red and yellow; these colours are also used in the front and back. The images show a clear image that the guide is about music and the creative effects also attracts the audience.

Southbank London Guide 2:

This guide shows a lot of information however it is only a few lines. The guide is a leaflet like a poster or map which can fold into 4. The colours are simple: Black, white and green; they are colours that work well together and is popular as it is used regularly by other people. Just like the other 2 Guides this one is set out differently however is it still clear and simple. The title is bold and big to stand out against the 'Southbank Centre' so people do not misunderstand what and where the title is. The text and sub-headings looks collaged so the information stands out more than the images. The subheadings and images are clear so people can read bits that they want to read.

I will use some of the ideas from each guide such as:
- The black background to give a cinema feel as my middle page will be about the BFI. Just like the first guide.
- I will use the different colours on the front and back, and middle. Just like the second guide.
- Because I like the collage on the text and lettering on the third guide, I will use that but change it to contrast and fit more with my Guide when I create it.

Friday 4 March 2011

Unit 1.4 Learning Log

Date: 21/01/11
Monitoring of progress log


  • I have met the deadline for the client due to the fact that I had to work fast and hard within the time given.

  • I have used my time well to plan which as been helpful when putting my work onto blogger.

  • I have completed my work to a high standard and I am satisfied with my Guide because it looks appealing and attractive.


  • I need to spend more time on the blog at home so more work will be done.

  • I should have spent more time on my front page of the Guide to make it look more appealing.

  • I should focus on my blog and keep making learning logs.

What I need to improve:

  • I need to improve my time managment so I can move onto my next project.

  • Also I need to improve on looking back at my work and redo any mistakes if I have time.

  • I need to ask for help from the teacher when I need it.