Friday 11 March 2011

Unit 1.4 Awareness of the target audience‏.

My guide is aimed at everyone especially tourists and I think I have succeeded in producing a guide that is suitable for tourist as there are no social issues associated in my guide. The colours I have used are simple and not too colourful which would look like it is aimed at children. The Images are taken by myself and I have not edited the photo's so the reader is not misleaded. The image is not too childish nor too professional which would attract tourists as the colours used are natural and artificial. The font and colour is simple and clear to be read so the target audience will know what the Guide is about. I think my guide would attract tourists because it looks professionally made and they wont be misleaded by the images. The information I added is useful such as the website which tourists can look up themselves if they want to know more. The back of the guide will show useful information if the target audience is out and about, it also has a map so if tourists wanted to visit the Southbank they can easily look behind the Guide. Overall I think my guide is suitable towards my target audience as it is appealing and attractive which does not mislead the reader as the guide has images that represent London.

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