Friday 11 March 2011

Unit 1.4 Final outcome: Guide to the creative and media scene in the Southbank

My front cover of creative and media guide for the south bank:

My guide was based on appearance and by doing that i have created a collage. The reason why i added on The Big Ben is because it is the most popular tourist attraction in London, I also wanted the target audience to know that The Southbank is in London. There is no specific colour scheme as I want the front to look more realistic so it shows my purpose. The image of the duck abd the buildings were photo's taken by myself and the London underground logo was also created by myself using Photoshop.

Because I was trying to make it look realistic I added in people from a different Photo that I took while visiting the Southbank. Overall I think my front cover looks appealing and I am satisfied with the final outcome of my guide because It is not targeted to one audience but it is aimed at everyone.

My middle page of the south bank guide:

When i was creating my middle page I was inspired by other guides that I had to take as part of my primary research. The main purpose of my colour choices is to make my guide look appealing and attractive. The black background and the IMAX building was to give a night time feel because people would prefer to go to the cinema at night as it would have a better cinema experience. The ducks were to contrast with the front cover and take up space on the middle page so it looks busy and not too plain. I didn't add in plenty of information as it could bore the person which would cause them to lose interest this is why I added on the website so people can find out more if they're interested. I wanted the title and sub-heading to stand out and contrast with the black background. The reason why I made the background black instead of blue is to make the inside look interesting which would appeal to a variety of audience.

My back cover for the Southbank guide:

The back cover is blue to contrast with the front cover of the guide. I have used opposite colours such as the black and white so it contrasts together and make it stand out on the blue background also it balances out. I created a small collage so it is more creative and attractive. I not only added a popular tourist attraction at the back but I have also added one at the back which is the 'OXO Tower'. I also added on other attractions in the southbank and the map is to help my target audience (tourists) to find their way to the southbank if they are interested in visiting it. The information I added is to help my target audience if they are out and about. I have added sub headings to divide the information so the text is clearer for the reader. I was inspired to do the white outline on the 'OXO Tower' and the 'Nelson Mandela sculpture' by another southbank guide, this makes it look more like a collage including the cropped out lettering.

Overall I feel that I have created a appealing and attractive final Guide. I think my Guide looks professional and creative which is my main focus. I have included different graphical techniques so it looks busy and eye-catching. I feel that I have met the brief especially towards the target audience. If I was to do this project again I would have changed the front cover so it contrasts more together. As you can see from my drafts and outcome, there are a lot of differences and changes; there has been a change of colours, images and fonts.

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