Friday 4 March 2011

Unit 1.4 Learning Log

Date: 21/01/11
Monitoring of progress log


  • I have met the deadline for the client due to the fact that I had to work fast and hard within the time given.

  • I have used my time well to plan which as been helpful when putting my work onto blogger.

  • I have completed my work to a high standard and I am satisfied with my Guide because it looks appealing and attractive.


  • I need to spend more time on the blog at home so more work will be done.

  • I should have spent more time on my front page of the Guide to make it look more appealing.

  • I should focus on my blog and keep making learning logs.

What I need to improve:

  • I need to improve my time managment so I can move onto my next project.

  • Also I need to improve on looking back at my work and redo any mistakes if I have time.

  • I need to ask for help from the teacher when I need it.

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